Seismic Cone Penetrometer Testing (Dual Geophone) SCPT

Geotechnical Services

Seismic Cone Penetrometer Testing (Dual Geophone) SCPT

To measure down-hole shear wave propagation speed during cone soundings, we recommend using a Seismic Cone Penetrometer (SCPT).

A seismic test is performed at given depths of probing, testing from either the left or right side of the seismic cone, and using the AutoSeis Hammer box. Performing this measurement during CPT probing, is much quicker and less expensive than standard cross-hole tests or down-hole tests.

Based on previous testing experience, we prefer to use geophones in our SCPT cones instead of accelerometers, as we found this produced a better seismic signal.

While accelerometers sense a wide spectrum and record high frequencies, this causes complex post-processing of the data and has little to do with shear wave.

Probedrill can also offer a dual-geophone SCPT cone.

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