25 Tonne Truck Rig (RFW)

Quick Overview

Height (While Travelling) 3.95m
Length 10.45m
Width 2.5m
For Use In Areas Such As Off-road

CPT Rigs

25 Tonne Truck Rig (RFW)

The RFW is Probedrill’s original rig which has been in use since the company’s inception in 1995. The 25 tonne truck rig has great pushing capacity of up to 210kN and even though it is our heaviest truck rig, it is also great off-road in soft sandy areas.

The RFW underwent a re-build in 2008, which included: –

  • New rig engine and hydraulic system, making the adding and pulling of rods more efficient;
  • New air-conditioned rig cabin with improved layout of controls, computer and monitor;
  • New push/pull rod clamp, with semi-automated operations similar to “The Merc”

Other specs include :

  • 25 Tonne pushing capacity (210kN)
  • 6 wheel drive
  • Jacks Up to 1 metre Off the Ground
  • Equipped with bog boards

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