Morooka 2 (M2)

Quick Overview

Height (While Travelling) 3.2m
Height (While Probing) 4.4m
Length 5.3m
Width 2.3m
Min. Ground Bearing Pressure 0.38 kg/cm2 (37kPa / 5.4psi
Travelling Speed (Tracked Rigs) 12km/hr
For Use In Areas Such As Soft / sandy / tidal ground

CPT Rigs

Morooka 2 (M2)

Our second Morooka rig (the M2) is transported to site on the back of a drop deck trailer or can be transported to locations outside of the Perth Metro area.

The 11 tonne tracked rig is capable of pushing up to 100kN (100MPa), which is the same pushing capacity as our M1 rig.

As with all of our Morooka’s, the M2 has very low ground bearing pressure, which is just another advantage of using a tracked rig.

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