Quick Overview

Height (While Travelling) 3.75m
Height (While Probing) 4.39m
Length 8.6m
Width 2.5m
For Use In Areas Such As On-road / Off-road / Regional / Hard ground

CPT Rigs


The MAN is our newest rigs and is a 22 tonne truck rig built by GeoMil.

It has a huge pushing capacity of just under 210kN, so it is perfect for getting to greater testing depths, while also being quite manoeuvrable, given its shorter wheel base.

It has excellent off-road capabilities (6×6), along with plenty of air-conditioned cabin room for operators and client.

Other specs include :

  • 22 tonne pushing capacity (210kN)
  • 6 wheel drive
  • Equipped with bog boards
  • Levelling jacks to 1m

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