Morooka 1 (M1)

Quick Overview

Height (While Travelling) 3.0m
Height (While Probing) 3.5m
Length 5.0m
Width 2.3m
Min. Ground Bearing Pressure 0.401 kg/cm 2
Travelling Speed (Tracked Rigs) 12km/hr
For Use In Areas Such As Soft / sandy / tidal ground

CPT Rigs

Morooka 1 (M1)

With its ability to reach difficult to access areas and provide 100kN of pushing capacity, our 12 tonne Marooka CPT track rig (M1) has been a favourite of our clients for years.

The M1 has very low ground bearing pressure which makes this rig ideal for tailings dams, construction sites, new subdivisions, just about anywhere!

Further specifications include :

  • 12 tonne pushing capacity (100kN/100MPa)
  • Mounted on rubber tracks
  • Minimum track/ground pressure: 0.401 kg/cm 2
  • Jacks up to 2 metres off the ground.
  • Transported to site by Scania 8×8 Truck
  • Two-speed drive motors

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